The Cycling Promotion Fund and the Amy Gillett Foundation launched a series of video clips designed to improve road safety in Melbourne 20th February as part of the Sustainable Living Festival.
The dramatic increase in bicycle rider numbers over recent years has lead to large numbers of relatively inexperienced bicycle riders. These video clips provide bicycle riders and would be riders with practical tips on how to avoid common hazards when riding in traffic.
The Videos cover four vital aspects of Cycling and interacting with traffic, they are
1. Dealing with IntersectionsIntersections can be tricky for all road users but particularly bicycle riders. Here are some tips on how to tackle intersections.
2.Heavy Vehicles & CyclistsOur roads are increasingly busy and bicycle riders have to share the road with cars, trucks, buses and trams. Sharing the road with larger vehicles in particular requires awareness, skills and strategies
3.Dealing with car doors
Bicycle lanes are great in providing some marked space for bicycle rider on busy roads. Unfortunately many bicycle lanes are located near parked cars which can become a real hazard
4.Cyclist VisibilityBicycle
Riders are often not on the radar of motorists. Here are some tips to increase your chances of being seen by motorists.
Here are the Vids: